Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bud's Last Stand: But Sat-9 Will Go On

Hi! This is going to be a wrap for this version or edition of Saturday 9. A woman named Lola Harrington penned "Saturday 8" when I started the WTIT Blog in 2006. It had been handed down and I believe she was the blog's third author. By the time I found it, there were three or four players a week. When it ended I felt this void. I tried to find another decent Saturday meme, what Patrick does is fine, but it didn’t work for me. So, I decided to do it myself. I found playing the meme just as good, since I just stole the nine questions from memes everywhere.

I felt WTIT: The Blog had given me such a wise ass reputation, that I need an “alias” to pen this. I got the rights to the picture that we’ve know as “Crazy Sam Winters” and we were off! No one knew and the meme had fifty players a week, soon enough. Even my own girlfriend (of the time) didn’t know. She once accused Sam of “coming on to me”. (Bright, she wasn’t.) I will miss Sam. I felt I channeled her for the longest time. Even the whole “Just a Silly Meme” came to me from her. But wait...Sam will go on!

We displayed this picture of "Sam" every Christmas.
When I posted this, no one had offered to take it over. But, today we've had several offers & we will sort it out. BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT Sat-9 will go on! And it looks like Samantha will continue to host! I couldn't be happier.

My own blog ended last week If you have not read my last post, do me a favor and stop by, read it and leave a comment before I fade completely away by clicking here. Last night, was my stag party. (Kathy & I wed on the 20th!) We got the WTIT “band” together and we recorded comedy. WTIT was the reason I entered the blogosphere. The website had this “blog” thing. I got hooked. But now WTIT is recording a lot again. I can’t do both. So I’m leaving. But, I'm sure this blog will be in good hands! 

Thank YOU for stopping by each week. Join the new author next week. It’s been my pleasure.

Peace & love!


1. If you could experience any life form that was not a human of your sex, what would you pick and why?

2. Do you believe in the American Dream or has it passed through time?

3. It's been asked before, probably weekly, but what's irritating you today?

4. What do you think you'll end up looking like? (A picture would help.)

5. Has anyone told you that you could not do something?

6. Is there anybody dead that you'd like to talk to?

7. Have you ever done volunteer work?

8. Have you ever walked away from a job and regretted it?

9. How did you find Saturday 9? 


  1. Can't let Saturday9 die...I'll take you up on the offer to keep it going. Email on it's way.

  2. You will be missed, but looking forward to the new author.

    Of course being a boss nurse might mean we have to play by stricter rules.

  3. Glad we are going on.
    Bud, there were times I had some suspicions, as there was too much cartalk. LOL!

    Enjoy life!
