Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sam's Last Stand: 2011

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

1. Over all, how do you feel about what happened in your life in 2011?

2. Do you do New Year's resolutions? If so, what are they this year?

3. In the past 24 hours, I have reconnected with 3 old friends that I've not spoken to in years. If you could reconnect with someone from your past who would it be, and why?

4. Do you have anything that you would have not done or done differently in 2011 as you look back?

5. Going back to my ex-friends that I reconnected with, one of them ended over a boyfriend. She called to apologize. Do you have someone that you fell out with you and wonder how they are?

6. If you had a chance to reconnect with an ex (say for coffee), who would it be, and why?

7. One of resolutions is about weight-loss. Have you ever struggled with your diet?

8. What do you think was the top news story of 2011?

9. What are your plans for (New Year's Eve) tonight?

Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend!


  1. First comment..woohoo! Have a great New Years! Some very thought provoking questions..

  2. Loved this weeks questions. Happy New Year!

  3. Fun fun FUN! Happy New Year to All!!! xxo :-D

  4. Great questions. I'm happy to be back blogging again!

  5. Thanks for the questions. Have a very happy New Year!
