Hi! Welcome to Saturday: 9 . We describe our blog as Just A Silly Meme Every Saturday. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions EVERY Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do"random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

1. What was the best thing that happened to you this week?
2. What was the worst thing that happened this week?
3. Describe an item of clothing that has definitely seen better days but that you refuse to dispose of and still wear. Why won't you toss it?
4. Have you ever lied about your age?
5. Would you rather be behind the scenes or in the spotlight?
6. Where was your first out-of-country trip? How was it?
7. Do you like surprises? If yes what kinds? If no, why not?
8. Have you ever had sex with two different people on the same day?
9. Which do you prefer, the sunrise or the sunset?
Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend~!
mine's up! just click on my name. :)
Great questions!
First time here, great questions! Mine can be found here: http://justanothergirlrambling.blogspot.com/2008/03/saturday-9-best-and-worst.html
Mine will be up shortly!
These are so silly. I love 'em! I'll let you know when I'm up. Thanks, Crazy Sam.
We'd be up!
Mine are up ::here::
Have a great weekend!
Mine is up and I did the last 5 in one post. I can't believe I was that behind! Visit My Blog
First time mine are up.
Looking forward to your meme on Saturday! How many questions will there be this time?
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