Saturday 9: Crazy Sam's Last Meme of 2008
1. What was the best thing that happened to you personally in 2008?
2. What was the worst thing that happened to you personally in 2008?
3. What was the best thing to happen to all of us in 2008?
4. What was the worst thing to happen to all of us in 2008?
5. What was the best gift you receive during the ’08 holidays?
6. What was the best gift (most appropriate or best received) you gave during the ’08 holidays?
7. Do you have any regrets about what you did in 2008?
8. Do you have any regrets about what you didn’t do in 2008?
9. Did you meet anyone that became important to you in 2008?
Thanks so much for joining us for 2008's last Saturday: 9. Have a safe and splendid New Year! Please do not drink and drive. We want you around as Saturday 9 begins 2009. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend~!
I'll be up at 6am. Have a super saturday!
Thank YOU for hosting such a fun meme!
Have a Happy and safe New Year
Happy New Year to you Sam, keep this up and to all the followers of Saturday 9, happy new year to you guys as well!
Thanks for a great year Sam. Happy New Year, all! Let's do this again nexy year...
Have a wonderful new year!
Happy New Year Sam :)
Thanks so much for hosting this great Meme!! Have a wonderful 2009!!
Happy New Year everyone! You guys made my year. Not only are you very loyal, but the way you comment on each other's posts in great. I've receive a ton of comments and emails that have told me that alot of you now are good friends.
You are VERY welcome.
You have a great New Year, too.
We are so happy how our first full year has gone! We will be around, I hope, for a very long time.
Thanks. We will!
As you know, we don't sell ads on this blog. When Judd Corizan (He runs a Sunday meme blog called Sunday Stealing) asked that we exchanged "promo ads" I thought, "What a great idea". Now that Judd has found his audience I decided I'd feature different players...
You have a great weekend, too!
You have a great one too!
I've joined in again Sam. http://shey27.blogspot.com/2008/12/saturday-9-crazy-sams-last-meme-of-2008.html
Thanks for this! looking forward to 2009's Saturday 9!:)
Look, I did it again.
Happy New Year everyone! :-)
Hi Sam, a bit late but still in 2008. hehehe- thanks for a fun Meme!
Happy New year!
mine's here http://www.ozzysmom.com/2008/12/9-questions.html
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